News – Ardy Real Estate Secure your future with off-plan property investments Mon, 06 Mar 2023 19:28:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Choose Real Estate Broker for Investment in Dubai Mon, 06 Mar 2023 19:27:37 +0000

Choosing the right real estate broker is crucial for making a successful investment in Dubai. Here are some tips to help you choose the right real estate broker for your investment:

  1. Look for experience: Make sure the broker has experience in the Dubai real estate market. Look for brokers who have been in the industry for a while and have a track record of successful transactions.
  2. Check their reputation: Do your research and check the broker’s reputation online. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to get an idea of their level of service and expertise.
  3. Check their license: Ensure that the broker is licensed by the Dubai Land Department (DLD). You can verify their license on the DLD website.
  4. Evaluate their communication skills: Communication is key when it comes to real estate transactions. Choose a broker who communicates clearly and responds promptly to your inquiries.
  5. Consider their network: A broker with a large network can provide you with access to a wider range of properties and potential buyers or sellers.
  6. Check their fees: Be sure to understand the broker’s fees and commission structure before signing any agreements.
  7. Meet them in person: It’s essential to meet the broker in person to discuss your investment goals and get a sense of their level of professionalism and dedication.

By considering these factors, you can choose the right real estate broker to guide you through the investment process in Dubai.

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DUBAI: Is the best place to buy luxury home worldwide? Sat, 11 Feb 2023 04:40:53 +0000 Within the current years, Dubai was capable of set up its place as a serious cosmopolitan enterprise and vacationer hub. As a consequence of its strategic location, the rich metropolis of skyscrapers and seashores is commonly thought to be the Center East’s premier entrepot. The federal government has taken severe initiatives to reinforce openness in the direction of enterprise alternatives; the true property business has flourished within the current years making Dubai some of the coveted places worldwide for renting, leasing or buying property. Let’s discover the explanations behind Dubai being an attraction level for buyers.  


Dubai is taken into account as one of many most secure locations within the Center East. The crime fee is sort of zero. Safety forces are discovered across the clock and cameras are mounted in every single place even in public transport. Medication are strongly prohibited and violators will face strict authorized penalties ending with their deportation.  


In keeping with Knight Frank’s Wealth Report, Dubai provides the most effective worth for luxurious property as it’s thought of as some of the reasonably priced cities to spend money on actual property. The worth of property has decreased 3.4 % from $ 6,966 per sq. meter to $6,729 per sq. meter making the properties rather more reasonably priced than these of cities like Berlin, Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai. Dubai provides high-standard residing type with reasonably priced costs. With USD 1M (AED 3.6M), you should purchase in Dubai a property as a lot as 1, 539 sq Ft. whereas with this quantity you may get practically 600 sq ft. most in cities like London, New York, Hong Kong, Geneva, Monaco, Shanghai, Sydney and Paris. Regardless of the reasonably priced costs as in comparison with different main cities, Dubai boasts of a wide range of eye-catching luxurious constructing buildings that go well with completely different existence and may compete with high buildings worldwide; property homeowners get nice worth for cash.


The federal government has taken vital steps in the direction of enhancing profitable enterprise alternatives by supporting buyers. Whether or not you’re shopping for a property for enterprise or private use, hassle-free transactions are facilitated with the least quantity of paperwork and international consumers profit from the income-tax-free system in Dubai. Main cities like Paris and London impose taxes on foreigners who want to buy property. Dubai attracts individuals from everywhere in the world whether or not as buyers or as job seekers resulting in a fast development in inhabitants making it one of many highest return of funding (ROI) choices. The wealthy emirate supplies free zones that enable firm formation with full possession, zero import duties and one hundred pc earnings. 


In keeping with the Dubai Land Division (DLD), the true property market has flourished within the current years. Transactions rose to 33% in 2019 alone. The demand for luxurious properties led to a noticeable rise within the worth per sq. Ft. In keeping with a report by Bloomberg, Dubai’s prime actual property costs rised 89 %. In additional common places like Palm Jumeirah, Jumeirah Bay and Emirates Hills, the costs elevated greater than one hundred pc. In keeping with Arabian Enterprise, the acquisition of a villa in Palm Jumeirah bought for $82 million in July, exceeded $325 million in September.  In keeping with a report by CNBC, Dubai witnessed $35 billion in property transactions in 2021. “Prime residential values in Dubai proceed to strengthen, rising by 29 % within the third quarter alone, fueled by a persistent deluge of ultra-high internet value people who’re zeroing in on Dubai’s premier districts seeking second properties,” stated Faisal Durrani, head of Center East analysis at Knight Frank, in an interview with Bloomberg. In keeping with a market examine performed by New World Wealth (NWW), about 108,000 millionaires migrated their international locations in 2018 in comparison with 95,000 in 2017. The worldwide market analysis group ranked the circulation of millionaires into 12 international locations by dividing the variety of new millionaires by the overall variety of high-net-worth people already residing within the nation. The UAE was named as one of many high 5 international locations most well-liked by Excessive Web Value People.  


Dubai lies within the coronary heart of the Asian, African and Indian triangle making it a straightforward connection level to enterprise networking and international commerce. Dubai is a worldwide business hub that hyperlinks Asia, Africa and Europe. The placement of Dubai provides it a really distinctive time zone; enterprise males can journey in a 2-8 hour flight to simply attain Asia, Europe and the Center East.  


Dubai boasts a big selection of luxurious properties constructed and designed to go well with each style. Whether or not it’s an residence, townhouse, penthouse, villa or mansion, Dubai has a solution to each query. The town enjoys all kinds of choices to select from with handy fee schemes. Dubai is a gorgeous hub for buyers, vacationers and residents. A few of the hottest coveted places to dwell and spend money on are: Downtown Dubai, Dubai Creek Harbour, Port De la Mer, Dubai Hills and Dubai Marina. When evaluating Dubai to main cities worldwide, Dubai is the final word selection for a lot of buyers. Having fun with a peaceable and protected surroundings, offering world-class properties with top-notch providers and facilitating investments alternatives in comparison with different main cities, Dubai is unquestionably the final word vacation spot for each buyers and residents.


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Analysis of how Dubai’s inflation will impact the real estate market in 2023 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 00:55:48 +0000 Inflation rates, according to property analysts, won’t significantly limit Dubai’s real estate market rise.

The rise in interest rates may cause Dubai real estate to moderately slow growth after a record-breaking 2022.
The Central Bank of the UAE increased the Overnight Deposit Facility (ODF) base rate by a quarter of a percentage point to 4.65 percent as of February 2, 2023, from 4.4 percent.
The action was taken after the US Federal Reserve raised its policy rate for the ninth time in order to reduce inflation to within 2% of its target range.

“ As the ODF was raised to4.65 per cent from1.5 per cent in 2022, the purchasing power of consumers was impacted. This may affect in reduced demand, which, eventually, can impact property prices, ” according to the Zoom Property perceptivity.

The rearmost perceptivity data further bared that roughly 70 per cent of real estate deals in the UAE are substantially carried out in cash.

This is why the impact of the rising interest rate is going to be borderline on the request.

Ata Shobeiry, CEO of Zoom Property, believes that the impact will be limited and the request will continue its growth.

“ The time 2022 concluded on a remarkable note for the Dubai property request as it broke several records. still, 2023 may see the real estate sector heading in a different way, incompletely due to the rising interest rate and the way it’s impacting consumers ’ copping

“ Of course, there will be growth but not at par with the former time, ” he said.

2022 saw a little over 11 per cent price growth. It was down from nearly 16 per cent in 2021, but that was substantially due to reduced prices because of the Covid- 19 epidemic.

As per an early estimate by the Zoom Property perceptivity, prices are anticipated to increase by 5 per cent this time due to strong demand in the request as high- net- worth individualities and foreign investors continue to pour in and invest in the sector.

“ The interest rate may reach4.90 per cent by the end of the time. But, the gratuities Dubai offers to entrepreneurs, investors, and end- druggies will continue attracting implicit buyers who’ll drive the request’s growth in coming times, ” Shobeiry concluded.

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Dubai: The new direct debit system allows tenants to negotiate on monthly rent payments. Mon, 06 Feb 2023 01:51:16 +0000 The new rental agreement will result in monthly or quarterly payments becoming more prevalent.


Dubai has integrated the real estate online enrollment system Ejari with a direct disbenefit system of the Central Bank, therefore, allowing landlords to disbenefit rent from the tenant’s account directly, doing down with the need forpost-dated cheques.

But one big question for tenants making yearly, daily or partial-monthly payments is whether they will continue with their being payment system.

Real estate brokers and property operation enterprises say that the landlords and the tenants will mutually agree to whatever methodology suits both parties. Some assiduity directors suggest that the new system will lead to a more common practice of yearly or daily payments.

According to HP Aengaar, CEO at Asteco, the frequence of payments are to be agreed upon by the parties and forms part of the parcel agreement.
“ We’ve seen both yearly and daily direct disbenefit authorizations put in place. We’ve encouraged landlords to consider the direct disbenefit medium to be immaculately suited towards yearly instalments as it reduces the probability of returned cheques due to irregular autographs, overwriting and the dreaded need to order a new chequebook, ” said Aengaar.

“ To ease cashflow on tenants in areas where rents are adding significantly, yearly direct disbenefits would palliate some of the pressures on payment scores, and we believe for numerous landlords, the assurance of regular payments being entered is a positive for both sides, ” he said.
According to Betterhomes, single cheque payments are on the rise as the power has shifted to landlords, with an periodic increase of six per cent in Dubai.

Anisha Sagar, head of property operation at Allsopp & Allsopp, said the beauty of this system compared to the European or UK model is that the direct disbenefits are determined by the agreement made on the payment schedule between the proprietor and tenant.

He believes that landlords would be more comfortable with the new system.

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Vestibulum ante – ipsum primis in faucibus Mon, 02 Dec 2019 21:01:51 +0000

Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum

Sed vel sodales quam. Nunc in urna sed libero eleifend tincidunt sit amet id nunc. Vivamus convallis hendrerit diam, vitae dictum odio hendrerit vitae. Nullam nec lacinia tortor, ut fringilla lorem. Vivamus ut enim hendrerit, finibus arcu ac, pellentesque neque. Morbi sagittis faucibus neque vel hendrerit. Pellentesque accumsan dolor et ultrices tincidunt. Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum, nibh metus euismod augue, quis scelerisque risus erat at purus. Nulla tincidunt quis sem eu feugiat. Suspendisse sed arcu luctus, egestas elit at, bibendum dolor. Nulla et nulla dignissim, efficitur ipsum nec, dignissim ipsum. Sed tempor urna a euismod lacinia. Fusce elementum ipsum lorem.

Read this: Lorem ipsum dolor article

Curae dictum lacus quis

Fusce eget nibh et lacus tincidunt rhoncus. Proin luctus eu erat quis tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ullamcorper nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Etiam scelerisque iaculis felis, eu sollicitudin arcu hendrerit vitae. Aliquam eget dapibus nulla. In nulla enim, fermentum nec placerat hendrerit, sagittis et diamer nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Etiam dui libero, tempor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus vehicula. Sed rhoncus ullamcorper mauris, ac condimentum metus egestas ut. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus.

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Dolor nulla amet glavrida Wed, 27 Nov 2019 08:44:16 +0000

Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum

Sed vel sodales quam. Nunc in urna sed libero eleifend tincidunt sit amet id nunc. Vivamus convallis hendrerit diam, vitae dictum odio hendrerit vitae. Nullam nec lacinia tortor, ut fringilla lorem. Vivamus ut enim hendrerit, finibus arcu ac, pellentesque neque. Morbi sagittis faucibus neque vel hendrerit. Pellentesque accumsan dolor et ultrices tincidunt. Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum, nibh metus euismod augue, quis scelerisque risus erat at purus. Nulla tincidunt quis sem eu feugiat. Suspendisse sed arcu luctus, egestas elit at, bibendum dolor. Nulla et nulla dignissim, efficitur ipsum nec, dignissim ipsum. Sed tempor urna a euismod lacinia. Fusce elementum ipsum lorem.

Read this: Lorem ipsum dolor article

Curae dictum lacus quis

Fusce eget nibh et lacus tincidunt rhoncus. Proin luctus eu erat quis tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ullamcorper nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Etiam scelerisque iaculis felis, eu sollicitudin arcu hendrerit vitae. Aliquam eget dapibus nulla. In nulla enim, fermentum nec placerat hendrerit, sagittis et diamer nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Etiam dui libero, tempor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus vehicula. Sed rhoncus ullamcorper mauris, ac condimentum metus egestas ut. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus.

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Pellentesque – dignissim dui ac dolor convallis Thu, 10 Oct 2019 13:26:49 +0000

Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum

Sed vel sodales quam. Nunc in urna sed libero eleifend tincidunt sit amet id nunc. Vivamus convallis hendrerit diam, vitae dictum odio hendrerit vitae. Nullam nec lacinia tortor, ut fringilla lorem. Vivamus ut enim hendrerit, finibus arcu ac, pellentesque neque. Morbi sagittis faucibus neque vel hendrerit. Pellentesque accumsan dolor et ultrices tincidunt. Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum, nibh metus euismod augue, quis scelerisque risus erat at purus. Nulla tincidunt quis sem eu feugiat. Suspendisse sed arcu luctus, egestas elit at, bibendum dolor. Nulla et nulla dignissim, efficitur ipsum nec, dignissim ipsum. Sed tempor urna a euismod lacinia. Fusce elementum ipsum lorem.

Read this: Loremipsum article

Curae dictum lacus quis

Fusce eget nibh et lacus tincidunt rhoncus. Proin luctus eu erat quis tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ullamcorper nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Etiam scelerisque iaculis felis, eu sollicitudin arcu hendrerit vitae. Aliquam eget dapibus nulla. In nulla enim, fermentum nec placerat hendrerit, sagittis et diamer nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui libero, tempor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus vehicula. Sed rhoncus ullamcorper mauris, ac condimentum metus egestas ut. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus.

Integer luctus lobortis nisi ut porttitor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum luctus nisi et elit volutpat pretium. In molestie tortor quis erat dignissim pretium vehicula id magna. Nullam vel nisl porttitor, finibus elit in, feugiat urna. Pellentesque laoreet mi et gravida consectetur. Duis elementum vulputate eros vel gravida. Nulla facilisi.

Also may be interesting: Lorem ipsum amet article

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In porta tempor velit Tue, 10 Sep 2019 16:44:56 +0000 Ut pretium risus sit amet nisi vulputate porta. Ut hendrerit tempus purus in vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae posuere lacus laoreet. In porta tempor velit, vel commodo enim congue sit amet. Ut pretium risus sit amet nisi vulputate porta. Ut hendrerit tempus purus in vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae posuere lacus laoreet. In porta tempor velit, vel commodo enim congue sit amet.

Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae posuere lacus laoreet. In porta tempor velit, vel commodo enim congue sit amet. Ut hendrerit tempus purus in vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae posuere lacus laoreet. In porta tempor velit, vel commodo enim congue sit amet.

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